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Health & Welfare
The Oregon-Washington Carpenters-Employers Trust
If, your company doesnt have Health care, or its to expensive or whatever
and you dont have it We the tax payer pay for it, thats the facts.
The taxpayers (us0 are allready paying for nation wide health care
and its costing a whole lot more than it should.
On to The Carpenters Health and Welfare Trust.
We have upgraded our Health Care coverage and changed providers.
why do we have a Trust and need a Provider also?
Thank republican, Mr Taft and Mr Hartley, sponsers of the Taft/Hartley Act 1947,
more mediling in Union business by Congress.
Thanks 247!
ok, more change Associated Administrators, Inc
has been sold to AmericianBenefit Plan Administrators, inc
same address and phone #'s as Associated Administrators
However beginnig Oct,1 2005
the Medical and Dental claims must be sent to
Regence Blue Cross/Blue Sheild of Oregon.
Or/WA Carp. employer healthand welfare plan 30805
salt lake city ut 84130-0805
* a new card will be Issued and you should recieve one before Oct,15 2005. If you havent recieved one call the Fund Office
call 503 220 6363 or 800 777 3168
(benifits have not changed at all)
Associated Administrators, Inc
P.O.Box 6680, Portland, OR 97228
2929 NW 31st Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97210
for claims fileing;
toll free 800-770-6672
or 503-228-9689
All other questions pertaining to Pension, Health & Welfare Eligibility, Vacation.
Should be directed to the following numbers;
office hours---8:00am to 5:00 pm
Jim Smith and Gary Case--Co-trust Managers ex 2327
Linda Sherburn--Assistant Trust Manager ex2306
Tom De Vaney-Supervisor ex2349
Colleen Link--Pension Coordinator ex6664
Ellen Drake-Self--Pay Coordinator ex ex6660
Wanda Millett--Vacation Coordinator ex2390
Jill Hays--Employer Reporting ex6661
Any questions that you have concerning a medical or short-term disability claim should be directed to the Claims Customer Service Department at 503-228-6989 or 800-770-6672
Medical Provider Network
Associated Administrators,Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Regence BlueCross BlueSheild of Oregon. Because of this relationship, A.A.Inc. is able to provide to you and your covered family members access to the Regence BlueCross BlueSheild of Oregon physician and hospital networks. You will find that the number of participating providers is much greater that what has been the case in the past.,
Click on the Icon labeled Our Providers and follow the path to the Preferred Provider Plan.
If you do not find your provider there, click the Icon labeled Traditional.
Dental Provider Network
The Oregon-Washington Carpenters-Employers Trust has not purchased a Regency BlueCross BlueSheild of Oregon insurance product. All benefits continue to be funded by the trust.
Prescription Drug and Health ID cards
There is no change to your prescription drug program currently administeredby Merck-Medco.The prescription drug card you have now will work through the transition from the current admistrator to You will recieve a new identification card from after September 1 2001, that will combine the Prescription drug card information into one card that works for your Medical & Dental benefits as well.
Hospital pre-admission Review
Effective September 1, 2001 Hospital Preadmission Review will change from the current administrator to Innovative Care Management. If your physician advises a hospital stay, He or She should contact;
Innovative Care Management at: 800-862-3338 BEFORE YOUR ADMISSION.
In most cases, the physician or hospital will take care of the preadmission for you.
for makeing sure that the provider knows preadmission review is required by the plan.
In emergency situation, you or a family member must contact Innovative Care Management within 48 hrs. If your admission is not certified, benefits may be reduced as outlined in the Plan schedule of Benifits.
Vision Service Plan
Vision services will continue to be provided through Vision Service Plan.
If you have any questions regarding these services you can contact customer service at
Both firms will be workihg together,
to assure that you or your covered family members
do not experience a reduction in benifits due to this transition.