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Court Throws Out Second Bush Anti-Worker Executive Order
A federal court overturned as unlawful an anti-worker executive order issued by President Bush early last year that required federal contractors to post notices informing employees of their rights to avoid unionization and standard union dues obligations derived from collective bargaining agreements. The order, however, did not compel contractors to inform workers about their rights to join a union. On January 2, the court ruled that the Bush Administration had no authority under the National Labor Relations Act to issue the measure and permanently enjoined the Administration from enforcing it.
The ruling is the second reversal by the courts of an executive order issued by President Bush that is detrimental to workers. Last year, the courts threw out Bush's order barring project labor agreements that set terms and conditions of employment on federally funded construction projects and ensure the orderly resolution of labor disputes. Project labor agreements have worked effectively to prevent strikes and lockouts, benefiting construction companies and employees alike since the 1940's.
These two measures were among four executive orders issued all at one time within a month of President Bush taking office. The orders were sought by Bush's corporate contributors and right-wing ideologues, and were an early salvo in a continuing campaign of over-reaching initiatives that have undermined workers' rights.
AFL-CIO, Takes notice;
The AFL-CIO Executive Council and its Building and Construction Trades Department formed a high-level task force to examine the Carpenters’ recent disaffiliation from the federation.
UBC President Doug McCarron has agreed to participate.
Joint statement by AFL-CIO President John J. Sweeney and Building and Construction Trades Dept. President Edward Sullivan on Carpenters affiliation discussions, May 2, 2001:
A month ago, when the Carpenters Union executive board moved to disaffiliate from the AFL-CIO,
we expressed our desire to have further discussions to explore the issues raised by the disaffiliation.
The tremendous challenges facing union members and all of America’s working families
call for a strong and united labor movement.
That is our goal and our commitment.
As a result of discussions between the AFL-CIO’s Building and Construction Trades Dept. and the AFL-CIO, BCTD President Ed Sullivan will be convening a high-level task force to meet as necessary between now and the AFL-CIO convention in December.
AFL-CIO President John Sweeney will be part of the task force,
and Carpenters President Doug McCarron has agreed to participate.
The ultimate purpose of this effort is to achieve the reaffiliation of the Carpenters.
The disaffiliation remains in effect during this period, and under the constitution of the AFL-CIO, it applies at every level of the labor movement.
Current working agreements, including PLAs, will, however, remain in place. Also during this period, the Carpenters may participate in Building Trades Councils as well as AFL-CIO state federations and central labor councils on an ex officio basis, and all bodies will be encouraged to work informally and cooperatively with Carpenters local unions. No per capita payments may be accepted by any bodies from Carpenters as long as the disaffiliation is effective.
As we have stated throughout the past month, we would like nothing better than for the Carpenters to rejoin the Federation at every level.
For information, call Deborah Dion, AFL-CIO 202-637-5036 Bob Ozinga, BCTD, 202-347-1461