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The Regular Monthly Meetings for Eastern Oregon
Carpenters Local 306
These are held in various locations throughout the large geographic jurisdiction.
The Regular Monthly Meetings are held on the 1st Saturday at 11:00 am of each month unless noted otherwise.
When the locations out of the Bend area are set up, notices will be mailed out to inform you of the location.
Regular & Area / Organizational Meetings
Carpenters Local #306 | home
Regular & Area / Organizational Meetings
"Organizing will Produce more Union Jobs"
Regular Monthly Meetings
These are held on the 1st Saturday of the month on a rotating schedule
This is where the business gets done
Informational / Organizational Meetings
These monthly meetings are open to EVERYONE;
Members, non-union individuals.
Family members are encouraged to attend.
Due to Schedule changes please call the Hall for local Informational meetings and sites.