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"Organizing will Produce more Union Jobs"
"It’s part of our job as trade unionists to organize new members," says Local 157 President Bill Hanley. “Labor has got to get back to basics, It has got to make organizing its top priority again.” It has got to reach out to people it has never organized
Organizing is just as important as negotiating contracts. If we are looking for job security and better wages and pensions for ourselves, the only way we are going to secure them is by organizing non-union companies.
The Facts are:
Organizing will produce more union jobs on which our members will work.
Organizing will generate more union contractors where we will be able bargain collectively for higher wages and benefits.
Organizing will remind people that they can demand a fair share of the profits; they will shrink income disparities, strengthen our middle class, and lay the groundwork for a renewal of our democratic institutions.
Organizing will remind us that the economy exists for people, not the other way around. By doing so, unions articulate values in opposition to corporate greed.
Organizing will remind us that unions have been part of a larger movement outside the workforce for social reform. They have been the link between free markets and democratic rights.
History shows that progress occurs in places where free labor movements are strong. As unions become weaker in this country, it is not surprising that we see an assault on programs such as Social Security and Medicare. But each time labor reaches out to organize the unorganized; a new wave of democratic participation and social reform has followed.
We may be living in an age when multinational corporations are running amuck. But people do not want to see hard work go un-rewarded. They do not want to be treated like garbage. They do not want to read stories about layoffs and downsizing, multi-million dollar payoffs, or Asian sweatshops. They do not want to be left alone to face five billion other people.
They want to believe again. They want to believe that things can get better. They want to have control over their lives. They want to be part of a community. They want to believe we have a larger purpose as a nation.
Unions remain the only real choice for workers to get back some of that power to control our lives, we can have a larger voice, and by working together, and organizing we can make a difference, that’s it --end of story.
Court Throws Out Second Bush Anti-Worker Executive Order
A federal court overturned as unlawful an anti-worker executive order issued by President Bush early last year that required federal contractors to post notices informing employees of their rights to avoid unionization and standard union dues obligations derived from collective bargaining agreements. The order, however, did not compel contractors to inform workers about their rights to join a union. On January 2, the court ruled that the Bush Administration had no authority under the National Labor Relations Act to issue the measure and permanently enjoined the Administration from enforcing it.
The ruling is the second reversal by the courts of an executive order issued by President Bush that is detrimental to workers. Last year, the courts threw out Bush's order barring project labor agreements that set terms and conditions of employment on federally funded construction projects and ensure the orderly resolution of labor disputes. Project labor agreements have worked effectively to prevent strikes and lockouts, benefiting construction companies and employees alike since the 1940's.
These two measures were among four executive orders issued all at one time within a month of President Bush taking office. The orders were sought by Bush's corporate contributors and right-wing ideologues, and were an early salvo in a continuing campaign of over-reaching initiatives that have undermined workers' rights.